We believe that learning is a process not an event, and we work with you to develop learning and coaching solutions - inhouse or remotely - that deliver the performance gains that drive success.
Transformational Learning Solutions
You want learning and development that delivers value and a positive change in behaviour and performance.
We design and deliver learning content and development pathways that are focused on measurable results, delivered in an agile environment using interactive and engaging methodology.
We work from an extensive toolkit of behavioural frameworks and craft skill models to design learning solutions that engage to drive performance improvements.
From ninety minute masterclasses to extended programmes of development, with you in your office or via remote learning platforms and distance learning tools, we work with you to understand your requirement and outcomes and deliver learning solutions according to your need.
Developing Managers & Inspiring Leaders
You know that leadership transformation begins with personal awareness and ownership of behavioural change.
We create development journeys for managers and leaders that are used to inform transformation and shift the performance paradigm from imposing to engaging & inspiring.
You can choose from group learning seassions to individual leadership and performance coaching programmes to set your managers and leaders up for success.
Developing Learning Organisations to drive Commercial and People Performance.
Developing an organisational structure that is fit for the future is essential for success in rapidly changing environments.
A focused approach to career mapping supported by a programme of Learning and Talent development that is aligned to commercial goals is a prerequisite of success.
We work with you to help define and refine your organisational learning requirements to support your commercial and people performance goals.
Your business focus drives our development and design process and outputs.
We offer bespoke learning and development consultancy, content design and learning facilitation and use our "DARE to be Better" coaching framework for inspired Leadership and Performance Coaching.
Blue Ladder are specialist consultants with over 20 years experience in designing and facilitating f2f and hybrid learning in areas including Communication, Presentation & Pitching, Client Relationships, Problem Solving, Project Management, Team Development, Time Management, Management Development and Leadership Education.
Founder: James Birrell
Professional interest: A Leadership Coach and Learning Consultant for over 20 years, I am passionate about helping people to reach their professional potential, through working to support teams and individuals from Graduates through to the C-suite. I am also an experienced OD and Change Consultant working with organisations to maximise their commercial performance through people.
Personal interests - I am passionate about:
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